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2016 12 03 resutats


The Combat World Championship was held in two locations in 2016, in Morbihan (8th October) and in Savoie (3rd December).

There were wonderful and exciting fights on both scenes.

France was successful; winners in most of the categories are from this country.

Here you can find some detailed results:


8th October, Morbihan

M-65kg:  Berrou Alan (FRA) won against Leskovic Luka (CRO)

M-70kg: Dessoy Arnaud (BEL) won against Zarkirko Arthur (UKR)

M150kg: El Mjiyad Ahmed (BEL) won against Golic Milos (MNE)

M-56kg: Beroud Jacqueline (FRA) won against Vincis Chiara (ITA) in Savona (Italy) on 23rd October 2016.


3rd December, Savoie

M-75kg: Albertus Kevin (FRA) won against Podvalnyi Andrii (UKR)

M-80kg: Kada Mehdi (FRA) won against Plantic Damir (CRO)

M-85kg: Kebe Karamba (FRA) won against Van de Merckt Alain (BEL)

F-48kg: Nandi Chloé (FRA) won against Piccolo Elisa (ITA)

F-60kg: Montanari Marion (FRA) won against Golubeva Rimma (RUS)

F-70kg: Bouchet Adeline (FRA) won against Burgio Serena (ITA)

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