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Garesnica Savate Open

All athletes, coaches, officials and other visitors are welcome to the 1st Garešnica Savate


International open tournament for all ages

VENUE OF THE COMPETITION:GAREŠNICA (CROATIA) Sports hall of the high school Garešnica Street Petra Svačića 11g

E-MAIL ADDRESS OF THE ORGANIZER: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



If you need help about accommodation and food, please contact the organizer and we will
help you.
Hotel and private apartments are available at accessible prices.

For all other questions, feel free to contact the organizer's e-mail:
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cigra open poster
1st international savate competition "Čigra open" which will be held on May 6, 2023. in Sveti Ivan Zelina, in the City Sports Hall, address: Alojzija Stepinca Square 1, Sveti Ivan Zelina (35 km from Zagreb airport).
The competition will be in the discipline ASSAUT-for all ages (M/F) and the discipline COMBAT-for juniors and seniors (M/F), according to the rules of the Federation Internationale de Savate.
The start of the competition is on May 6,2023 at 11.00 a.m
The weigh-in of the fighters is on May 5,2023 from 8.00 p.m to 9.00 p.m or on May 6,2023 from 8.00 a.m to 10.00 a.m. 
Registration of the fighters with the application from April 20,2023. until April 26,2023.
The registration fee for the competition is EUR 30, payment must be made to the account of SK "Čigra": HR7223600001102408633 or in cash on the day of the competition.
Free parking is provided for all participants and visitors in front of the sports hall. For those who decide to spend the night and know the beauty of our city and its surroundings, the accommodation options are:
The after party will be in the IGGI Nightclub.
For all questions contact number: +385 996801021 (Željka Jarec Bukal) or +385 917674596 (Alen Nokaj).

Open Mondial à Plovdiv, en Bulgarie le 28 et 29 Avril 2023./World Open in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on April 28 and 29, 2023.

Plovdiv open 2023

Cette compétition internationale en savate et en canne est ouverte à tous niveaux, pour les enfants et les adultes en assaut et en combat. 24-25-26-27 Avril :

Stage international 27 Avril : Pesée obligatoire 28 et 29 Avril : Compétition pendant 2 jours 29 Avril (le soir) : Gala Combats et Savate Pro 30 Avril :

Retour des athlètes Des cars sont prévus pour tous les athlètes de l'aéroport de Sofia jusqu'à l'hôtel à Plovdiv (qui se trouve à 5min du gymnase) 12 pays et 130 athlètes ont participé à cet événement l'année dernière. Plusieurs champions se sont déjà réinscrits pour cette année. ​

Pour les inscriptions ou des infos supplémentaires concernant le séjour (Transports, Tarifs, Compétition...), veuillez-nous contacter par mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ou par téléphone au 06 25 78 85 10

This international competition in savate and cane is open to all levels, for children and adults in assault and combat. April 24-25-26-27: International course April 27: Compulsory weigh-in April 28 and 29: Competition for 2 days April 29 (evening): Gala Combats and Savate Pro April 30: Return of the athletes Coaches are planned for all athletes from Sofia airport to the hotel in Plovdiv (which is 5min from the gymnasium) 12 countries and 130 athletes participated in this event last year. Several champions have already re-registered for this year. ​For registrations or additional information concerning the stay (Transport, Prices, Competition...), please contact us by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 06 25 78 85 10


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